Thank you for your interest in the College of Health & Human Performance! This form serves as a gateway for us to better understand your aspirations, interests, and questions about the College. Your responses will enable us to tailor our communications and support to meet your needs effectively. As you embark on this exciting path, know that you're not alone – our dedicated team is here to provide the guidance and resources you need to thrive.
First Name
Last Name
What program are you interested in at the College of Health & Human Performance? Unsure/UndecidedApplied Physiology & KinesiologyHealth EducationSport ManagementTourism, Hospitality & Event Management
Term Fall 2024 Fall 2025 Fall 2026 Fall 2027 Fall 2028 Fall 2029 Spring 2025 Spring 2026 Spring 2027 Spring 2028 Spring 2029 Summer 2024 Summer 2025 Summer 2026 Summer 2027 Summer 2028 Summer 2029 Undecided
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you every step of the way on your journey toward academic and personal success. You can reach us via email at We look forward to welcoming you to the College of Health & Human Performance community in the near future!